Complex systems can be a scary and unapproachable subject. This explainer on GitHub does a great job in distilling it for the technically capable lay reader.

Large-scale, highly interdependent and constrained projects can be incredibly difficult to conceive and plan for. Technology limitations shouldn’t be something you have to worry about. Stottler Henke’s Aurora-CCPM is an incredibly capable scheduling and digital twin modeling solution that I’ve had the pleasure of using and stretching for over a decade. It won’t get in your way and unlocks significant project planning, scheduling and execution potential for your projects. Check out Aurora and reach out to me to learn more.

Dependency Structure Models (DSM) or Design Structure Matrices are incredible digital twin modeling approaches that are interchangeable with network analytics and visualization approaches. They are highly approachable and can be understood by diverse audiences vs. the sometimes difficult and esoteric network diagrams available today. Lattix (by Code-Clinic) is one of the most capable DSM modeling tools available on the market today. DSM’s are applicable to almost any domain that involves systems that have many interdependent, interacting parts that have emergent structure when they get sufficient large and complex. Domains like software, aircraft manufacturing processes, social networks, product architecture, supply chains and more can all be modeled using DSM methods.

The Design Structure Matrix organization has incredible resources for anyone wishing to explore the subject, research technology, and connect to the community. The organization also hosts an Annual Conference every year that I’ve had the pleasure of attending and presenting at.

Graphs, matrices, networks - they are all describing the same thing but in different ways. Whether its a project network, a dependency structure model, or a social network, being able to model, analyze, design, and improve a system using these methods can be incredibly powerful, time saving, and economically beneficial to any organization or group of stakeholders. Check out this helpful explainer of a few ways to visualize these systems and understand how they all relate to one another and can provide useful insights.

The Operations Science Institute works to provide clear, comprehensive, science-based education, advice, training, and standards for controlling and improving operations performance. The concepts are highly practical; they have been successfully learned and applied by both hourly employees and C-suite executives. I have collaborated with Ed Pound, one of the Managing Directors, for years in the space of Industrial & Systems Engineering and Operations Science. This institute offers foundational learning in this area that ANY organization can benefit from.